Usually when people ask for advice, they’re always asking in a very reserved way. They are very tentative, they’re trying to hold back. But what they’re really trying to do is they don’t want to embarrass themselves.
This is perfectly understandable. Nobody likes to be made to look like a fool. Nobody wants to look very naive or stupid, but let me tell you, the stupidest question that you will ever ask is the question you choose not to ask.
That’s right. As the old saying goes, the only stupid question is the one not asked. People can laugh, people can point fingers at you for asking such a dumbass question, but you know what? It’s better that you ask that question to get answers rather than hold it back because you’re afraid of what other people would think.
Now, if you hold back and don’t ask the right questions, then whose going to suffer? That’s right. You’re going to suffer and the worst part of all of this, you let your ego get in the way of you figuring out where to find milfs. It really is sad because you should never let your ego get in the way of hot, tight milf pussy. You know, pussy will set you free.
As the old saying goes, the truth will set you free. Well, I firmly believe that pussy will also set you free. There’s a special magic and electricity that happens when a man and a woman cum together. There’s an electrochemical bond that really releases all sorts of emotional and spiritual energy.
Women are primarily emotional creatures while men are primarily primal, physical creatures, but when those two forces meet, it’s magic. That’s why you have to figure out where to find milfs ASAP. You can’t let the bullshit of peer pressure and conventional wisdom as well as keeping with appearances hold you back.
It’s much better to be laughed at and succeed rather than to go with the flow and be mediocre and lonely as everybody else. Which would you rather be? Would you rather continue doing what you’re doing, which is just watching porn and jerking off to older women having sex on your laptop screen or your mobile phone? Or would you rather be the one enjoying the action on milf dating sites like ? The answer should be straightforward, so stop giving a fuck about what other people think and focus more on figuring out where to find milfs.